A World of Thanks to Marsia Mason

From the Desk of Library Director Jane DeHaven:

There has been a lot said about the library building over the past few months. I’d like to talk about library people for a bit – the people who kept the library up and running during a time that was about as far from “situation normal” as it was possible to be.

The library building closed on November 4th, and shortly after that, library staff moved-in to temporary quarters in Borough Hall. In December, the library director left.

Assistant Director Marsia Mason stepped into the void to take over all library operations though it wasn’t at all what she signed-up for.  Those who know Marsia know that she has a husband with a career that requires extensive travel and a giant fluffy dog who gets grumpy when mom isn’t running precisely according to his personal schedule.

But despite many, many challenges, Marsia not only kept the library from going off the rails but even planned out an expanded slate of programs that we look forward to rolling out later this summer and into the fall and winter months.

Marsia kept the library up and running beautifully for months and months until I joined the team, and then she taught me everything I know.

Marsia, I am eternally grateful!


Book Discussion and Signing at the Beach Haven Library


Dedication of the Eileen Mitchell Children’s Room